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tìm kiếm kết nối những người bạn du lịch có cùng sở thích, cùng điểm đến Cùng nhau trải nghiệm những chuyến du lịch thú vị.

Marta Somer

Kết bạn

Số điện thoại : 03********

Khu vực : Hà Nội

Phương tiện : Ôtô

Gu du lịch : Khám phá

Nơi muốn đi : TP Hồ Chí minhTam ĐảoMộc ChâuSapaTràng An Ninh BìnhNha TrangPhú QuốcĐà Nẵng

Hello everyone! 

My name is Marta, from Thailand. As I work remotely, I have the possibility to travel around very much. 
I will be in Philippines since the 5th October for a month, then Vietnam. 

Some things that I like are outdoors activities (gonna be diving now), cooking, plants… Going to expos and museum and happy to learn anything new. Traveling is my favourite think to talk about, of course. 

My job is in software IT, this is also a topic for me 🙂 

I would be happy to meet open minded people, cultural exchanges, and different views of life. 

Safe travels to everyone 🩵🌏

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